
Hello!  Welcome to My Atmosphere.

I hope you enjoy these products dedicated to living a non-toxic lifestyle. They were created with much resolve, joy and frustration.

Long ago I began to realize that if I wanted to stop being a sick & toxic person, I was going to have to change the things that were creating a toxic lifestyle and atmosphere. 

You know how the Karate Kid never realized he was being trained when he was painting the fence and washing the cars.  Yep.  That was me.  I didn't see that while I was on a  journey to find out what was releasing toxins into my atmosphere from store bought candles,  I was also figuring out what about my lifestyle needed to change too.

Two journeys in one.

The result? Amazing non-toxic products, bringing candles back into my favorite spaces as well as a much happier, purposeful and peaceful life where I intentionally create... My Atmosphere.